Ending poverty through social enterprise in Kenya, Ruanda & Uganda
In order to reach as many people as possible efficiently, the Stay Foundation builds on already existing local structures. Initially, successful East African social entrepreneurs who have already worked with the Capable Poors will be networked. This is done by founding the “Stay Alliance”, a social entrepreneurs’ association. This currently comprises 80 social entrepreneurs and their organisations in three countries. In a second step, the Stay Alliance will standardize the best concepts for combating poverty of individual social entrepreneurs. Subsequently, all 80 social entrepreneurs can use the concepts from the pool of their Stay Alliances free of charge. Each of these concepts is also structured to be financially sustainable.
An independent external controlling system is used to evaluate all activities in terms of the efficiency and effectiveness achieved. This transnational monitoring and control process leads to maximum efficiency of the “invested” financial resources (donations + impact investing capital) through very high transparency and thus also prevents corruption.
After the knodel foundation has financed the foundation and development of the Stay Alliance in Kenya since 2018, the project and organisational development of the Stay Alliances in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda will be supported in the coming years. The focus will be on the development of the “Stay Alliance Programme”. Stay Alliance Programmes are standardised, financially sustainable concepts for poverty reduction, which can be used free of charge by all social entrepreneurs. Adapted to the local economic structures, the Stay Alliance Programmes initially concentrate on agriculture, e.g. beekeeping, organic grain cultivation, bio-gas backpacks, tree plantations, etc. The portfolio is supplemented by programmes in the areas of education and health.